A Prayer by Amat-un-Nur
O’ Allah! We are your slaves, in need of You. You are the One Who has claimed freedom from need for Yourself and neediness and utter want for the human being before your Infinite Giving. We are therefore the poor and You the Infinitely Rich. We come to Your door wearing our patched garments of Poverty, stitched by the hands of need, the thread of sincerity, and the needle of suffering. Put on by the unbreakable hope in Your Generosity and pride in belonging to a King as greatly Kind as Yourself. If You choose to acknowledge us at Your Door, the dying beats of our hearts will pick up strength once again. Otherwise we will give up our last breath also in hope of You turning toward us. O’ Allah! When Adam said "Aghfirli", You directed the oceans of Forgiveness toward him. O’ Rabbi! When Nuh said "Fa’antasir", You made him sail on the wave of Your Aid to the shores of safety. O’ Shakur! When Ibrahim put out his heart and life to sacrifice in Your Way for Your Asking, You restored it all to him in Your Mercy and Gratitude. |
O’ Reliever of the Distressed! When Yunus called upon you helplessly from the belly of the fish, You heard his plea and expelled him from darkness and constriction into Light and expansion.
O’ Wahaab! When Musa waited upon You for deliverance from his need, You disclosed the treasure of Yourself to him.
O’ Jami! When Yaqub shed countless tears in grief of separation from his beloved Yusuf, You turned a mere shirt into an excuse for reuniting them.
O’ the Best of the Merciful! When Ayub cried, "Anta-rahm-ur-rahimeen", in a moment of compassion you took away his affliction.
O’ the Bestower of Gifts! When Yusuf sought shelter under Your Grace, You picked him up from the depths of slavery and placed him on the heights of Kingship.
O’ the Exalter! When the disbelievers conspired to kill Isa, You in Your Love raised him unto Yourself.
O’ the True King! When the disbelievers of Mecca exiled your beloved Muhammad, and made him suffer the pain of being driven out of his home, You put the command of both worlds in his blessed hands.
O’ Beloved Allah! The showers of Your Love and Grace have been falling on Your bondsmen from Pre-Eternity. Let these showers bless us too.
Bless us with the grace of Your beloved Muhammad’s glance that our dead spirits may be enlivened.
Grant us the courage of Haydar that broke the walls of Khaybar.
Gift us the nazr of Ghaus-al Azam that falling upon the robbers raised them to the station of Qutb.
Give us O’ Lord the fire of Shams-i-Tabrizi’s eyes that lit up Mevlana’s heart with Your Ishq.
Give us that recognition of Truth by Mevlana that tore down the veils of illusion.
Gift us the look of Bahu that made the disbeliever recite the kalimah in an instant.
Give us the Grace of Inayat that grew wings of Divine Power to fly from the ruins of the heart to perch on the heights of Divine Glory.
At last O’ Beloved! Give such a longing to our broken hearts that in the end when we hear Your Call from Beyond, running footless and flying wingless we offer our heads and you strike with the sword of Acceptance.
By Amat-un-Nur