The Aims and Objectives.

Nazr-e-Kaaba is an inspired vision that embraces the world of spirituality and mystical revelation.

The name is significant because of the two symbols it carries: the eye and the Kaaba. The eye is the instrument of vision, the organ through which we observe and see. The Kaaba is the centre, the locus of devotion and the symbol of the abode of Divinity. In the outer world, the Kaaba is the Holy Sanctuary built in Mecca as the House of Allah. In the inner world of man's being, the Kaaba is the heart where Allah resides and can be found. The eye of the Kaaba is therefore, the vision of the heart. It is the sight of the heart, the inner perception of the awakened soul.

When the eye of the heart begins to see, the eye of the Kaaba opens up. When we receive the gift of this inner vision then the two worlds begin to resonate as one for us. We step out of the world of duality into the infinitude of Oneness.

Nazr-e-Kaaba has become the all-embracing vision of our work because the symbol itself carries a mystique and revelatory power of it's own. We are now in the age when the eye of the Kaaba is opening, and it's revelatory, illuminating, penetrating and clarifying gaze is being trasfixed on the world. What does this mean? This means that the collective Human Heart is awakening to the inner dimensions of life through the illumination of the heart's vision. When the eye of the heart opens up fully, it will recognise it's connection with the physical locus of it's manifestation. On the geographical plane, the Kaaba in Mecca marks the centre of the earth. On the biological plane, the heart manifests this centre. On the spiritual plane it is the vision of the heart. Man is of necessity bipedal, with his one foot on the physical and one on the spiritual plane. To be able to become the true human functionary man must attain the point of equilibrium between the two dimensions of his being. This point of equilibrium is the locus of the heart. The connection between the geographical heart and the biological heart becomes significant because unless there is found this direct connectivity between the two, the body of being on the level of created manifestation will remain in a state of imbalance. When the human heart comes into alignment with the geographical heart, the balance will be restored. This balance will grant the perfect sight and vision on all planes and spheres of existence. It is almost like the correction of the human lens. Just as short-sightedness, long-sightedness, astigmatism are flaws in vision due to some misalignment, in the same way the lack of connection between the human centre and physical centre of revelation results in faulty perceptions.

The Kaaba is the house of Islam, the house of Allah and the homecoming of the Muslims, the ones who have surrendered to the Source of their existence. Allah is the True Source, the Supreme Being of existence. His house is the true abode of all. His believers are all those who have found Him at the core of their beings and submitted to His Presence and Authority. In the Kaaba of the heart when we recognise the Truth, and then offer submission to it's Power, we enter the citadel of Islam. For some the citadel of Islam is found within them first, and for others it is recognised in the outer Mecca first. This is the difference between the exotericists and the esotericists. What is important is that both must come to understand the unicity or Oneness of both spaces. It is only through reaching this point of unification that all differences will dissipate and fall away and truth will be revealed. It is only then that the right vision will be restored. Therefore we stress the imperative need to bring alignment between the eye of the Kaaba and the eye of the heart. We have seen what externalism is by itself, we have also experienced the world of interiority, now we must see both with the same eye, the eye of the Kaaba.

This gift of the eye of the Kaaba is an additional tool granted by the Divine as the point of entrance to and comprehension of the New Era of Living Oneness.

The eye of the Kaaba is the platform for disseminating this knowledge, of sharing this gift of Oneness and for extending this energy fuel to all those desirous of reaching the destination.

May the Eternal Light of the Source and the life-giving Breath of the One imbue us with the Living Light of Truth. Amen.

Naila Amat-un-Nur