Naila Amat-un-Nur Tiwana
"We are not here to convert anyone, we are just here to show the way of Love and Sincerity."
After finishing her high school education, she graduated majoring in Political Science. As alien as it might seem, her attraction to the study of governance was not much different to her natural calling in life: the governance of the soul. A born seeker, she has sought fulfillment of her human destiny to Become and to Be.
In the course of her longing and her search the sapling of her spiritual soul was watered by various encounters sometimes in the form of human, at others circumstantial and even personal regarding the Higher Self.
This stirred her on, on the path of spiritual study, with an ever-increasing thirst for spiritual knowledge supported by her sustained interest in the reading of spiritual texts.
Ultimately she was brought to the feet of her destined spiritual master, Pir Zia Inayat Khan of the Chishti-Inayati Lineage. Here she recognised her dissolution and offered herself with heart and soul to be rebuilt in the Eternal Light.
Continuing her journey presently as Representative in the Sufi Order International, she organises weekly gatherings of Zikr for spreading the Message and bringing Light to people.
You shall thus encounter Naila as Amat-un-Nur throughout the pages of this web-site.
Contact Naila Amat-un-Nur Tiwana:
"Total Surrender and Complete Trust is the Way."
Naila Amat-un-Nur